Friday, November 2, 2012

Family Reunion

Family + Camping + Food = Awesomeness
This past weekend we all piled into "Old Bessie" and traveled down to rural South Carolina for a few days.  After arriving at my great aunt and uncle's house, the festivities began.  I don't know about anywhere else, but here in the south, family reunions consist of much talking, laughing, reminiscing, and LOTS of eating.  Anywhere from oysters to 9 layer chocolate cakes to "hash" over rice.  (Hash is a South Carolinian meat dish consisting of minced pork, mustard, spices, and other odd ingredients.  Bleh.)  So if you ever have the opportunity to go to a Southern FR, GO...  unless you don't like food, then don't go.  But enough said, here are some pictures from the trip - 


"Take me home, Country Road to the place where I belong"


After lunch Saturday, a few of us girls went on a "fall flower expedition."  To make a long story short, we got trapped by water, had to drive backwards down a skinny, overgrown path, then got stuck in some mud, had to drive backwards down another skinny overgrown path, and I got all splattered with mud in the process.  
I love the country.
But through it all, we collected some beautiful foliage and berries, and shared many good laughs.

Bear likes bacon and sausage and coffee.

For the first two days the skies were mostly cloudy, and gray, but the last day this was waiting for us outside the tent.

"The heavens declare the glory of God"

Thank you Aunt Mary and Uncle Derriel for opening your home to us and being such marvelous hosts!


  1. Hey, Eady!! Beautiful blog and beautiful pix!! I'm looking forward eagerly to seeing future posts. Have fun!
